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Planar Link

The Planar Link

In my humble opinion, the creation, proliferation, and evolution of humanoids have posed several minor and mundane inconveniences for the gods. The most significant (and perhaps the most vexing) of these annoyances is the continuous and unrelenting stream of prayer they receive from lesser beings; which in turn spawns a peculiar sense of “obligation” in divine consciousness. In response to supplication and rituals, the gods are frequently compelled to intervene in the context of their worshippers, either through direct action  or by means of a herald.

While traveling through the planes is possible for deity, the sheer amount of omnipresence an active god is required to have, in time, became taxing.

Thus, the gods conceived the Planar Link, an ethereal planar highway that harnesses copious amounts of arcane energy to bend the fabric of what mortals would perceive as reality, negating the ethereal distances between planes and forming a portal that allows the gods to move with ease and swiftness through the vast multiverse. Over the course of several centuries, this intricate, and divine artifact has been used to create connections between planes, worlds, and even dimensions. To the untrained eye, the portals of the Planar Link do not differ greatly from summoning circles: they open simultaneously between two points within the cosmos, taking the user, regardless of energy or matter, from one point to another.

The duty of the Planar Link’s maintenance was assigned to Yll’ardun, a titan much like myself in days long past: unfocused, dissatisfied and borderline rebellious. Bearing the title of “Planar Conductor”, he approached his task seriously, he acted with unwavering dedication, and he executed his responsibilities almost flawlessly.

A single instance of error is recorded, however. Transpiring a myriad years ago,  11,334 years ago when Yll’ardun inadvertently  the Elemental Chaos to itself punching the Ethereal and Material planes. The connection resulted in a unique phenomenon— a delicate strand of Arcane Twine tore from the mesh and spun brightly into the cosmos while exerting a heavy pull on the surrounding elements… serendipity brought a new world to life, divine intervention placed it in the material plane, and humanity has transformed it into a story to be told. The gods regard it as a work of art and chance; they call it Irëdeule.

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