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The Purge

Aedha Lavan's Seal

With the creation of new titans and behemoths ruled out, and a delightful planet to share, the Gods contemplated the idea of populating Irëdeule with humanity in its many forms. However, the presence of Trial Beasts running unbridled through plain, ridge, and shrub posed a sharp threat; thus, creators concurred that the wildest and most dangerous of these creatures had to be controlled before humanity could fully partake of the planet.

To adress this challenge, Irtramelle convened with Ren’zar to enlist the Vairë, a civilization created by the spellswarn in essential similarity to elvenkind, but very different in their physical form. These beings of pure energy held a nomadic tradition of plane wandering and the unique ability to manipulate the ethereal matter that conducts the flow of arcane energies through the universe —the Twine. Which happens to be the main building block of Irëdeule.

While spellcasters can efficiently use magic to create powerful yet fleeting effects, they stand helpless when trying to shape the Twine; in contrast, the Vairë can attune to its pervasiveness to imbue random objects with enduring effects that do not dissipate over time, nor can they be dispelled. Convinced of the Vairë’s suitability for the task of monitoring and subduing the remaining Trial Beasts, the Gods initiated these intervention to preserve the imaginative creations from being smitten into oblivion (a last, and definitive, resort).

Ren’zar reluctantly agreed to summon and assign vairëkind to the task, recognizing their power was only matched by their fragility. Yet, she understood no one would succeed in such a feat would they happen to fail. The Spellswarm stipulated that the Vairë were not to be used in such a way for a second time, they would not be rushed to complete the assignment, and those who chose to stay in Irëdeule, could do so without rebut. Irtramelle accepted this triad of provisions with an empathic smile.

Over 400 years passed, and little more than two generations of Vairë traversed Irëdeule; the twineborn harnessed their new ecosystem and its many aberrant manifestations of raw magical power with ease. They built magnificent magic-driven cities and garrisons, some far from sources of danger, isolated for safety, others designed for battle. Utilizing their exceptional knowledge of the Twine, the Vairë fashioned enchanted, sentient, and living structures called Kuydir, tasked with the Vairë’s protection from external threats and maintaining their cities. The lost cities of Tir Aglortaras, Tir Ostinvairë, and Tir Ilweran were founded during this period.

Yet even with the formidable defenses provided by the Kuydir, the task set for the Vairë confirmed the jarring nature feared by Ren’zar. Many of the Trial Beasts yet to be controlled had intricate minds and inexorable willpower; proving to be extremely complex adversaries who demonstrated great intellect and fought only when the circumstances favored them.

Great battles raged over the land; on one side, a cosmic race capable of manipulating the arcane matter of everything; as their opponents stood legendary beasts wrought into existence by no other hands but those of divine artisans. Irëdulian lands framed important battles such as as the hunt for the Ivrenhlic, a creature that lurked from beneath the taupe sands of the El Abntaine dessert; the imprisonment of the hellish hivelike mind of Omanieres; or the placement of Aedha Lavan’s seal atop Mount Terha, all of them exciting affairs, that might require other tomes to address. Through their superior arcane abilities and the protection the Kuydir provided, the Vairë where successful on their assignment. Powerful and deadly beings where subjugated– titans, monsters, elementals and even spirits where driven into confinement much alike the one imposed over their kin, the failed Trial Beasts.

However, not all of these creatures were hunted; many were docile or shy enough to be left alone in the wilds without consequence; thus expanding the world’s wildlife substantially.

With their mission accomplished, Ren’zar ordered her minions to recall to the Ethereal plane. The Vairë complied immediately, leaving Irëdeule, the Kuydir, and their cities behind to crumble beneath the unyielding force of time.

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