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Gaze into light

In time, the manifestation of iridescent eggs accross Irëdeule waned perceptibly while incidence horrid, murderous beasts increased alarmingly. These conditions induced growing apprehension amongst the Children of Nissë who still gazed upon the portals with awe, yet by then, marvel was accompanied by new-found dread. The contents of new portals had to be controlled. In response, Dogantine leadership organized teams of expeditionaries charged with the task of searching and assessing portals and their locations; when deemed possible newcomers would be eased into the safety of nearby townships, otherwise, the eggs where left behind. These selfless, noble and mighty few, who started out into the dangerous wilds on salvage missions, received the moniker of Hummingmantles— hailed as heroes everywhere their journeys led, these adventurers where warmly embraced in every town they visited.

To streamline Hummingmantle operations, Minya Nissë forged yet another influential group— an assembly of knowledgeable wizards within the Children of Nissë commissioned to craft an enchanted instrument that would enable the identification, location, and measurement of incoming portals; a device that inadvertently ushered in a new age of Kuydir development in history, this time led by elvenkind.

Portal analysis became the cornerstone for Dogantine intellectual work, spurring intensive academic exploration; these scholarly efforts were coordinated with an urgent call to masons, blacksmiths, and woodwrights, adjuring them into contribution towards Minya Nissë’s vision. Loyal artisans from all over answered to the summons immediately, most journeyed to Do’Gant with their families, while others chose to leave theirs behind.

It was during this age that the ruined city of Tir Aglortaras was discovered south of the Gigan Valley, it’s arcane breath rekindled by the presence of elvenkind and the new manifestations of Kuydir life force in Irëdeule. The discovery of the abandoned Vairë city, adorned with enigmatic and shimmering symbols that lured academic minds, prompted Dogantines into a branching of their efforts: some would be charged with investigating the hidden power of the city, while most continued on their defined path, finishing Siora Cradan’s project. Algar Frytae —a keen-minded elven wizard charged with the investigation of the city— swiftly deduced that the buildings of Tir Algortaras held protective enchantments unknown to Irëdulian mages; that the former inhabitants of the city were not slain, but chose to depart of their own accord; and that the city would not give her secrets away easily. Yet, several years later, and through meticulous scrutiny, the enchantments embedded in the city’s central spire were recorded and recreated on the Dogantine construction site where the combined resolutions of the Children of Nissë succeded on their unified endeavor… thus the Light Gazer rose.

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