


Neutral Good


Nature, Tempest


Forests, Fertility


Rampant Vine


Ëryeshaar, female satyr


Oirë Ezel

A beacon of compassion, kindness, and nurturing care, the Greendawn positions as the guardian deity dedicated to the preservation of  the vibrant pulse of life in Irëdeule’s nature above ground. Avaikki is hailed as the bestower of bountiful harvests and the wealth of game within forests, fields, and hills. Her name is engraved onto the handles of every farmhand’s tool, as a gesture of reverence and prayer.

Although she is aware about the fact that she played no hand in the creation of  Irëdeule’s breathtaking landscapes, the Greendawn does not surrender her duty of tending to the flourishing forests, vibrant jungles, thriving crops, and the verdant tapestry of the world —her homage to the nature of chance. She genuinely loves to survey and understand how the land was rendered, and what nature, when left to its own devices, can do.  Avaikki then, positions herself as one of the rare deities who actively seek to broaden her understanding about the eccentric intricacies of nature in Irëdeule.

Woodlands, farms, and their surroundings bear witness to the weight and widespread devotion of Irëdeule’s inhabitants to Avaikki, as testimony, the land is heavily peppered with shrines proudly displaying her holy symbol. This phenomenon, however, has had the aftereffect of diminishing her presence within the towering walls of major cities, leading to the creation of the popular adage “the green stays where the green is”. The Greendawn’s main temple, dubbed “The Glistening Glade”, nestles in the boundaries of Gigan’s Edge, where ridege, woodland and river are clearly visible, a testament to her unwavering connection to the realm’s wilderness. Most renditions of Avaikki’s form are built out of branches or carved wood —a feminine body covered in flowers and vines instead of skin. These images are normally hung from strong branches or placed in hollow trees working as niches.

Ëryeshaar a female satyr known as the Greendaughter serves as Avaikki’s Aspect. Her life ie marked by her endless meandering between the depths of the Ximna Thick and the serene embrace of the Kyaral Forest, enjoying the company of the faerie denizens of the forest with whom she has developed a sense of intimate rapport. Ëryeshaar is a merry creature who eagerly approaches visitors lost in the dense timberland.

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