


Chaotic Good




Happiness, Freedom




Azariah, female elf



Every tradition enveloping the religion of Civka is, for lack of better words, raucous —Brimming with dance, drink, revelry, and bursts of fireworks, these traditions offer an open invitation to all of Irëdeule whether you may be humanoid, fey, or ooze. Known as the Freespirit, Civka presides over bliss, contentment, pleasure, and indulgence.

Devotees who dedicate their lives to the worship of Civka and the propagation of their tenets of happiness and carefreeness are more nonconformists than zealots. Rather than subscribing to strict religious norms, they choose to lead lives marked by lightness, unburdened by the weight of worldly concerns that they believe will (eventually) resolve themselves, one way or another. This doesn’t mean that the followers of the Freespirit are negligent or irresponsible; on the contrary, they tend to tasks necessary to lead the happy untroubled life they seek. Their aim is to find delight in the world around them, and little more.

Civka dispenses with the need for formal temples or shrines, and their doctrine places little emphasis on appointing priests or elders. Those seeking communion with the Freespirit need only participate wholeheartedly in the celebrations held in their honor around a bonfire, in the middle of a festival, or marching in a parade. The Freespirit acknowledges that her way of life isn’t suited for everyone, so anyone is free to engage in the festivities just for fun, returning seamlessly to their daily routines afterwards. In terms of depiction, the Freespirit opts for a lack thereof, preferring to illuminate her followers’ faces with smiles rather than burden their eyes with an image.

Azariah, Civka’s Aspect within Irëdeule seldom confines herself to the tranquility of the Quietus Fane, as its atmosphere is… well, quiet. Other than that, few know where the elven aspect will appear next, maybe disguised as a traveling minstrel, maybe as master of ceremonies at the Kyaral Fete.

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