


Neutral Evil




Rot, Disease


Wind of Decay


Dianlem, female goblin



Xitras, otherwise known as the Blightspitter, casts a foreboding shadow over Cyriedonian minds; his name is invoked in cautionary tales as a chilling reminder of the consequences of unruly behavior and disobedience: “Keep it up and you’ll turn into a muckó, an ungly slime child at the Blightspitter’s service, keep it up and you’ll stay by his side for eternity”— more than enough words to instill fear in misbehaving children. Xitras’s reputation is one of dread, as he holds his power over the dark forces of corrosion, decay, and disintegration that quietly eat away at the fabric of existence.

Yet, the Blightspitter’s duty amongst gods is naught but necessary, for the rot he brings forward suggests the freedom of death and the orchestrates the prelude of renewal.

Within the Quietus Fane, the Aspect of Xitras comes in the form of Dianlem, a Goblin woman who advocates for the importance of the deity’s somber work. However, her presence is always met with resistance and mistrust, her guise a reminder of the unease that the Blightspitter’s influence carries. Despite this, Xitras’ following among goblinoids and orcs remains dedicated, proof of the deity’s hold on the psyche of those who understand the intricacies of life’s inevitable end.

Xitras’ worship is far from widespread, with only four remote and isolated temples where death and the natural cycle of decay are embraced as part of natural order. His visage, depicted as a mixture of flesh, tree bark, and grey slime, mirrors the eerie essence of his domain, manifesting the inexorable and quiet corrosion that lurks beneath the surface of all things.

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