The Sky

Irëdeule boasts a clear view of its sky. In this tableau, Surlios, Merrimaid, Oldentren and Vile dance alongside a myriad of tiny sparkling stars. The existence of everything that hangs from the empyrean vault is attributed to Zillain, the Vaultkeeper, lord of the skies.

The Sun

Surlios is the star within the material plane to which Irëdeule was assigned. Its light, a brilliant whitish yellow, creates a mild and pleasant temperature in most latitudes of the planet, and provides excellent visibility on cloudless days.

Clear as day. The light Surlios shines on Irëdeule fosters incomparable conditions for scouting adventurers. At GMs discretion, any creature with proficiency in the Perception skill that can see in bright light gains advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.

The solar tendrils. Every day at dawn and sunset, when Surlios is at an angle near to the horizon, the rampant character of Irëdeule as an evolved piece of Twine becomes apparent. During these fleeting moments, huge spectral tendrils garnish the sky with a pearly sheen, producing a multicolored and majestic spectacle. For those insightful enough, these interweaving and shifting strands of arcane energy, invisible to the naked eye during most of the day, reveal both the life of the planet itself and the possibility of other places beyond the astral vault.

The Moons

For a very long time now, the moons of Irëdeule have entranced and enamored many wistful souls. So captivating are these astral entities that they have become a frequent theme in bardic chants, magical spells, and adventurer dreams.

Merrimaid, The Damsel

The farthest moon from Irëdeule was named after Maria Merrimaid, the cheerful and dreamy dwarf waitress of the Clean Cask tavern. The story tells that Maria spent the entire night serving her clientele singing happily while pouring the best ale in the Nia Baia.

Its exact size is unknown, as even the most talented artificers at Myrtrip Heath have not yet managed to create a tool powerful enough to measure the satellite with accuracy.

Merrimaid has a lunar cycle of 45 days with no shift. And it revolves around Irëdeule slower than its peer, Oldentren. Its relative passivity and lilac-hued light gives it the impression of being entertained, wooed, and blushed by the movement of the largest of the satellites.

Rather influential. This moon holds great power; its influence has identifiable effects in the life cycles of many species including fey creatures, dragons, oozes, and elementals, which when shined upon by Merrimaid in its full moon phase, become more active and aggressive. In Irëdeule, any creature of the types mentioned above benefits from an additional 1d4 on Initiative rolls. This moon has no influence over sea tide.

Oldentren, The Wooer

The closest moon to Irëdeule, and therefore the body with the biggest appearance in the night sky was named after Garrick Oldentren, a notorious and bloody man who turned farmer after meeting and falling for Maria Merrimaid.

With a cycle of just 25.1 days and a 1-year shift, Oldentren moves through the night sky somewhat faster than Merrimaid, giving the impression of chasing or courting the little moon. Its hue is yellowish.

Up and down, we go. Oldentren has a strong influence over waters and tides to such extent that sailor star gazers can use this moon’s patterns to enhance their predictions on the formation of the Southern Surge. While Oldentren is in its full moon phase, any humanoid with a maritime heritage gains advantage in its Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check when attempting to identify the signs of the tidal wave.

Vile, The Unborn

Never seen before the night of Death’s Birth, Vile is considered an ill omen; it was dubbed “the unborn” after the infant Quelle Qarantha held during the cataclysmic event.

Even though this satellite is the smallest of Irëdeule’s moons, Hexa and Vigil astronomers regard it as an important study subject for its heinous history. It has an unfixed longitudinal and latitudinal orbit, with a 13-day cycle.

Vile is only plainly seen during a Lover’s Meeting, an event on which the small moon shines with a pale green glow.

Lover's Meeting

A Lover’s Meeting is a night when Merrimaid and Oldentren seemingly touch in the sky as full moons. The story that surrounds these nights has two different versions.

Some believe that the tale describes a series of passionate, emotional, and unrestrained private meetings between Garrick and Maria; while other accounts tell that Oldentren tried his hardest to win Merrimaid’s affection, but the dwarf consistently shunted his advances.

The moons appear to come together affectionately before separating abruptly in a heartbreaking goodbye, mimicking the embraces and separations of the lovers. The merger of these two long-lost lovers is celebrated with blue-tinted rainbows that dance nonstop across the sky.

During this night, creatures and animals everywhere howl, buzz, hoot, squawk, and sing. There even is a halfling matchmakers’ myth that states that a Lover’s Meeting extols love-related endeavors, including magical ones.

Time in Irëdeule


The Cyriedonian calendar has 10 months, each with 39 days. It also considers four intercalary days per year and five intercalary days in a leap year every four years.


The 39 days of every month are set into three different periods:

Kindling. Kindlings are the three first days of each month. These are days dedicated to harmony among all living things. During this period hunting is outlawed, any open conflict between nations must hold a truce, and families are allowed to stay home without having to work. It was created to commemorate the Cornucopia, a brief moment in history when peace reigned supreme over the land.

Twixt. Twixts are the middle 15 days of every month. This period is dedicated to the higher gods who enlightened Cyriedonians, so prayer and visits to temples are highly encouraged although not enforced. Each day during the Twixt is dedicated to one higher god, as follows:

Fiaos, Avaikki, Qarantha and Caecille are considered lesser deities and do not have a Twixt Day in the calendar.

Crown. Crowns are days with no special meaning to them lest they have a related holiday. These are the longest periods of time in each month, accounting for the last twenty and one days after the Twixt.

Intercalary days. Intercalary days in Cyriedon occur between Kayo’s last Crown, and Agathea’s first Kindling. During these days the end of a year is celebrated throughout Cyriedon, each of these days is dedicated to something.

Annual celebrations

Most countries, small cities, and villages have their own calendar of events. Even within a same city, various races have separate celebrations commemorating historical events, onomastics, the start of the harvest, the great battles of old, and so on. However, the following dates are noted as recurring celebrations across Cyriedon.

Death’s Birth. Bilara’s 2nd day from the Crown. The Commemoration of Death’s Birth is a solemn day in practically all of Cyriedon, with no trade, no captains setting sail, and no labor being done. People faithful to the teachings of Minya Nissë travel days before in direction of The Shrine of Arrival to pray and to be freed from a terrible fate.

Towns that support the Quietus Legacy usually host a massive festival in one of Qarantha’s temples. Even when the celebration is centered on religion, it is peppered with dancing, alcohol, and debauchery. This is the Holy Day of Qarantha.

Kyaral Fete Festival. 1st Kindling of Ninacora. The Kyaral Fete’s Inauguration is an occasion that all Cyriedon warriors, mercenaries, and soldiers look forward to, and with good cause. The presentation ceremony, contests, games, and tournament to determine who is the greatest of the best draw hundreds of thousands of people to the Kyaral Forest. Several tales have arisen, and others have ended on the battlefields of the Kyaral Fete.

Light’s Eve. Celebrated on Yanaqua’s 4th day of the Twixt, Light’s Eve is mostly a celebration for people that live in Drott’na. On this day, land workers travel in small groups into the forest to “give back” to the world; they generally plant trees, create shelters for wild animals, and engage in druid-led rites that nurture and purify their surroundings. This tradition’s ceremonies are done both on land and at sea.

Handshake of Kindredhold. Celebrated on Rokkoba’s 4th Crown, the Handshake of Kindredhold memorial comprises of a meeting when unaligned town leaders and foreign government representatives gather to create agreements concerning Cyriedonian progress. This summit is usually held among the ruins of the Kindredhold.

Only one representative per nation is invited to the event, which can be accompanied by a personal guard of up to 8 people.

Additionally, Cyriedonian people celebrate three great seasonal festivals:

Halting Wintertide. Liora’s 21st Crown. The Halting Wintertide celebrates the end of winter.

Matron’s Word. Caxopha’s Twixt. Matron’s Word celebrates the time to harvest crops and prepare for winter.

Blossom Crier. Yanaqua’s Mezzo. Blossom Crier celebrates the pinnacle of spring, indicating the start of the hunting season.

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