The Hexahall Syndicate

In the eyes of some foreigners, the Hexahall Syndicate is nothing more than a group of alchemists and madmen infusing metal and wood objects with practical enchantments meant to cater to the whims of the indolent and the lazy. Some others accuse the Hexas of harboring an active fascination with the bizarre and the dangerous, justifying their actions through a doctrine that denies the supreme power of the gods. Thus, depending on introductions, one’s first impression of the Syndicate will vary significantly. 

Members of the Syndicate staunchly affirm they only pursue “the ultimate truth”.

The Syndicate operates its influence primarily within the Therha Valley, nestled in the northwestern-most region of Thevenek. However, the prowess and groundbreaking experiments conducted by its engineers, artificers, and alchemists spark interest and wonder among various organizations and governments. It comes as no surprise then, that numerous political and economic influencers actively participate in Syndicate ventures, eagerly seeking to reap some kind of profit. Collaboration with the Hexahall is commonplace all around Cyriedon.

Despite being the youngest government in Cyriedon, with only a few decades of existence, the Syndicate commands one of the most valuable currencies known to the once-oblivious humanity of Irëdeule: knowledge.

Founded by an enigmatic and remarkably polite dwarf hailing from the subterraneanas ruins of a mining village in the depths of the Dummäl Massif, the group adheres to heavily enforced policy of inclusivity; thus welcoming anyone with earnest intentions to create enlightenment in a world ignorance. They whole-heartedly embrace novel theories and test mechanisms for almost every single branch of arcane science. Induction into the Syndicate occurs unceremoniously for those who showcase good ideas—regardless of their nature. Their philosophy of openness and a relentless pursuit of truth has catalyzed the Syndicate’s expansion during its nascent years.

However, growth and development have not come without repercussions. Amidst the the veins of progress and evolution, the Syndicate has witnessed the occasional emergence of bad apples within its ranks: unscrupulous alchemists and necromancers that surreptitiously run a secret agenda, straying from the noble intentions of the rest of the Hexa.

The de facto capital of the Hexahall Syndicate is Mytrip Heath, a colossal city pulsating with cénidh-powered contrivances and machinery that emit radiant light, billowing steam, and mysterious ooze in an non-stop fashion. The “machine city” is governed by researchers and scientists who possess little time for cheap trifles like diplomacy or statecraft.

Hexas uphold stringent standards for error, and mistakes are always expected to generate new insights. Otherwise, the one who errs is deemed entropic, and punishment is swiftly provided.s


The Hexahall Syndicate primarily pursues knowledge, and they leverage their alchemic, scientific, mechanical, and arcane expertise to become its purveyors and custodians. Their motto, “Conscious humanity will be liberated from the clutches of ignorance and fanaticism,” reflects their profound commitment to enlightenment and their despise for blind adoration. Far from displaying military prowess, the Hexas seek control through the rationalization of practical expertise; nevertheless, the Syndicate is by no means defenseless, the select armed forces within their ranks wield access to unparalleled military arcane equipment.

The Syndicate is a very heterogeneous and diverse group, with interests as varied as the multiple disciplines they eagerly explore. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Hexas boldly venture into inhospitable locations to pursue their research: it is not uncommon to din them establishing their base laboratories on swaying fishing boats, within the depths of darkened caves, or atop gusty mountaintops. When a true Hexa deems that the conditions or location favor the execution of an experiment or the revelation of knowledge, they spare no effort in obtaining, recording, and sharing their discoveries with the rest of the organization. For them, danger poses no deterrent

Regarding the ultimate question, there are individuals within the Syndicate who doubt if an answer beyond “the will of the Gods” is achievable, however that never stops them from delving deeper into their own questions time and time again. The quest for truth remains an unyielding endeavor for this inquisitive group.


The Heads

The Heads is a group of seven untouchables within the Hexahall Syndicate, serving as the core decision-making unit. Groundbreaking discoveries, critical tests fraught with potential danger, and the utilization of mission critical assets inevitably fall under the scrutiny of The Heads.

Each member is entrusted with overseeing and managing specific domains: law, finance, logistics, energy, knowledge, trade, and transport, all vital to the smooth functioning of experimentation within the Syndicate. Each Head adheres to a set of severe criteria to ensure that tests and trials align with the Hexa guidelines. Within this group, all processes, rules, and practices are executed, as per the founder’s design, with clockwork precision. Even interplay among The Heads is clearly defined to prevent any undue harshness within the pre-defined structure.

Appointed directly by Mr. H himself, The Heads is an imposing  group, unyielding in their negotiations, and with zero tolerance for frivolity. If a band of adventurers were to seek an audience with them, it must make its approach with a concrete, specific, and efficient proposition, as any attempt at vague or meandering discourse will likely be met with apathy and swift rejection. The Heads brook no time for superfluous banter, and their decisions are unequivocal.

The Tinkers

The Tinkers, fervently considering themselves the epitome of the Hexahall Syndicate and the harbingers of humanity’s next evolution, embrace an ideology centered on acquiring the knowledge necessary to transcend events like Death’s Birth without suffering or endangerment. Towards this seemingly noble noble goal, they conduct gruesome experiments focused on modifying the human body through the fusion of magic and metal—an “arcane augmentation” discipline. Their experiments range from the downright funny, to the hazardous and grotesque. Lost limbs, sight rot, or madness, there is no condition in Cyriedon that a Tinker will not try to remove through modification of whatever body part seems to be defective.

Operating with clandestine precision, the Tinkers maneuver through the labyrinthine streets and multilevel structures of Myrtrip Heath, adeptly utilizing every hidden nook offered by the towering city to discreetly “store” their subjects and materials far from prying and meddlesome eyes. 

Discerning a Tinker from any other alchemist, artificer, or wizard within the city walls is practically impossible unless they willingly reveal their identity, an occurrence that is highly improbable.

The Cognizance Congregation

The Cognizance Congregation stands as one of the paramount institutions within the Hexahall Syndicate, comprising dedicated scholars who toil ceaselessly day and night to amass, validate, and curate the vast pool of knowledge generated and disseminated by the rest of the Hexa community. In other words, the Congregation plays a crucial role in determining whether an experiment’s conclusions and results contribute valuable insights to the collective understanding of the Syndicate, or if new investigation line should be devised.

Their main sphere of influence is the Awareness Abode, an expansive network of cloisters open to the public, wherein all the knowledge of the  Syndicate is meticulously replicated through a complex series of arcane networks. These cloisters serve a dual purpose: not only do they nurture an expanding hunger for knowledge within Cyriedon, but they also serve as welcoming embassies in which anyone interested in the Syndicate can begin a brief process of induction into Hexa idiosyncrasy.

While The Cognizance Congregation operates as a Hexa organization, it does harbor a degree of autonomy, allowing certain individuals within its ranks to conceal knowledge deemed “uninteresting” by the broader scientific community of Cyriedon. However, these hidden insights have proven to be of considerable value to those willing to pay for their revelation, adding an intriguing dimension to the Congregation’s role within the Syndicate.


In towns where the Hexahall Syndicate holds a prominent presence, the awe and admiration of the metal-mechanical wonders are widespread conditions, making everyday life easier and more fascinating. Even if the town’s leaders are aligned with other organizations, they eagerly reserve a space at their table to listen to the eccentric visitors talk about their technological advancements. While magic is common in Cyriedon and magical items are not unheard of, the sight of a new, flamboyant invention can still bring tears of emotion to people’s eyes.

The members of the Syndicate and the Myrtrip Heath society generally possess a friendly disposition towards strangers and newcomers. However, the duration of the pleasantries is directly proportional to the interest generated by the visitor. This welcoming attitude is driven by the belief that strangers are a vast source of knowledge and new avenues of research, reflecting a pragmatic reasoning behind their friendliness.

Fair and open business relationships are maintained between the Hexa and Pontille & Co., though there is a degree of tension due to the significant business the Syndicate conducts with the Jade Reliquary.

Mr. H. engages in ongoing dialogue with the leaders of the Steelhand Sanctum, particularly because the Ashtogthol dwarves are the world’s leading metal and irëdeulite suppliers. Despite the considerable distance between the two nations, the relationship remains strong, and the exchange of materials is constant, facilitated by the airships designed by Mr. H himself, known as The Hexahall Aviation Fleet.

The Vigil views the Hexahall Syndicate as a valuable ally, appreciating their yearly contributions of Constructs for the Kyaral Fete and the continuous improvements to The Light Gazer. On the other hand, the leaders of the Hexa believe that the device would serve a greater purpose if installed atop Myrtip Heath.

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