Nissë Lineage

The Nissë Lineage’s homeland is the vast and breathtaking expanse of the Gigan Valley, which lies on the northern region of Drott’na, framed by the sea and the mountains. There, the deep-rooted beliefs and teachings of Siora Cradan, the First Woman, have been fiercely defended by her “descendants”, who still hold them close to their heart, and fundamentally true to this day. However, the precepts of harmony, though still relevant, have been marred over the years due to two main reasons: the appearance and continual growth of a belligerent faction prowling the valley and the change in ethos brought about by the no longer king, but emperor of the Lineage.

Once known for their celebrations and joy for life, the inhabitants of the realm have evolved into modest farmers and horsemen, striving to live peaceful lives by dedicating themselves to their daily tasks. However, internal turmoil simmers in every city, and whispers of revolution blend freely with passionate memories of the Lineage’s former glory. Restlessness pervades society, and opposition groups openly challenge the emperor’s philosophies. The days of tranquility seem long gone.

For Nissë’s subjects, changes in taxation, diplomacy, and ideology have been as abrupt and violent as Zanlin Nissëion the Second’s death, and Ilberic Nissëion’s accession to the throne a little more than 25 years ago; rather than an amicable and kind gnome who valued peace above all else, the new ruler is a commanding halfling who fervently believes that the Nissë Lineage is entitled to rule all Cyriedon and that Siora Cradan’s teachings are to be enforced, if necessary. The government’s change in demeanor has sparked a cold war against several groups, particularly versus The Quietus Legacy, who government officials deem traitors and heretics due to their devotion to the “usurper of divinity”, Qarantha.

Despite the social issues plaguing its cities, the Nissë Lineage continues to wield status as the oldest country in Cyriedon, partially due to Minya Nissë’s widespread heritage and the agreements and alliances established during the short Bluehop dynasty. These factors have allowed their lands to be expertly farmed, and their towns to remain as significant trading hubs.


After the upheaval and chaos caused by Death’s Birth and the Eldership’s secession, the Children of Nissë, under the Bluehop Dynasty chose to withdraw from major events in Cyriedon. Apart from a small delegation sent to the traditional Kyaral Fete, no representatives from the Lineage ventured beyond well-defined boundaries of the Gigan Valley, and the conflicts of other nations held little interest for Dogantine leadership. This conditions where decreed to stand until the natural balance that prevailed during the Cornucopia was fully reinstated by nature and through the immutable passage of time.

Thus, Zanlin and his successors adopted a passive aproach to the world’s affairs, embracing their isolation and precluding reality: Cyriedon had undergone irreversible changes. 

During this time the crown established two goals: protecting the people of the Valley from any threat, and preserving the cultural traditions of the Dogantines. To fulfill these goals, Zanlin Nissëion II established the Azurefire Academy—a unique institution that blends aspects of a military academy and a temple; within its walls, the elite members of the Children of Nissë are refined as protectors of the realm and its principles while also receiving comprehensive education in arts, commerce, strategy, and when prudent, the use of magic. This multifaceted education ensures that the children of Nissë are well-equipped to uphold their duties and maintain their heritage while adapting to the changing world around them.

In exchange, under the current emperor’s rule, the Nissë Lineage has “corrected” their previous diplomatic apathy. Though not particularly skilled in political matters, Ilberic Nisseion has taken active measures to address the Lineage’s aloofness towards foreign affairs; and with the assistance of a group of trusted personal counselors, he navigates the complexities of strained international relationships. Yet, despite lacking charisma, he possesses a keen understanding of the importance of playing the long game, which enables him to bide his time and carefully execute his plans to advance his interests for the Nissë Lineage without drawing unnecessary attention to his heavily cloaked expansionist agenda. All while keeping whatever the Bluehops built that may serve his purpose.


Azurefire Champions

The Azurefire Academy offers a unique and rigorous choice to its candidates, allowing them to select between a theological path to become priests or a martial path to become paladins. While these tracks may seem distinct, they both align with the teachings of Minya Nissë, the First Woman, and her focus on balance and harmony. Both paths require candidates to dedicate themselves fully to their chosen discipline.

For those who choose the theological track their training prepares them to serve as priests and clerics to Irtramelle. As such, they are taksed with spreading the teachings of the goddess and supporting her cult beyond the borders of the Gigan Valley. This often leads them to farawayl lands, promoting faith and fostering strategic alliances. On the other hand, those who opt for the martial path undergo intense training to become paladins. These champions are tasked with patrolling and defending the lands of the Lineage, ensuring the safety and security of their homeland.

Throughout their training, Azurefire Champions are heavily influenced by the Lineage’s principles and maxims, instilling in them unwavering loyalty to the crown. Their highest honor becomes serving their king and country without hesitation or doubt. This devotion aligns perfectly with Ilberic Nisseion’s goals and hidden agenda, making them reliable and valuable assets for the emperor.

Becoming an Azurefire Champion is no easy feat; the criteria for selection are stringent, and the training is backbreaking. As a result, the ranks of the Azurefire Champions remain a small core of elite soldiers and spellslingers, armed and capable. Within their ranks,  adventurers would find both grand and righteous allies, but also dangerous and unyielding opponents, as the Champions only drive is their unyielding commitment to the Valley’s way of life.

Shinning Heads

The Shining Heads or simply “The Shiners” is a group of vigilantes that emerged as a response to the threat posed by the savage hordes prowling on the lands of the Nissë Lineage, especially in areas far from the protection of Do’Gant and the Azurefire Champions. It is formed by delegates from several small towns within the Gigan Valley, seeking to address the constant raids and assaults they faced.

Their members distinguish themselves by shaving their entire heads and displaying their bare scalps at all times, which serves as a symbol of their commitment to their cause. Their primary responsibilities include hunting down and neutralizing rogue orcs and hobgoblins, maintaining peace and order within their towns, and ensuring local criminals are brought to justice.

As a grassroots organization, “The Shining Heads” is open to a diverse array of members. They accept elderly and retired warriors, dismissed Azurefire aspirants, and untrained freelancers who are willing to protect their communities. This diverse composition leads to a mishmash organization full of both well-intended soldiers who genuinely strive to protect their people and bitter, power-hungry rejects who cause more trouble than they solve.

The Shining Heads operate independently from the Azurefire Champions, acting as local law enforcement force in the towns and villages of the Gigan Valley and as a local defense against the marauding hordes. Despite their unorthodox approach and varied skill levels, The Shiners play a crucial role in maintaining the safety of the Gigan Valley’s inhabitants in areas where the reach of the Azurefire Champions may be limited.

The Four Petals

The Four Petals are a group of revolutionaries within the Nissë Lineage who are determined to depose the current heir apparent, Ilberic Noolter, and replace him with Yessira Rämme, the charismatic leader of the Fishermen’s Guild of the Nia Baia Bay. The group operates in under supposed secrecy, holding meetings in cause-friendly taverns, where they share information and discuss developments and news from all corners of the realm. They engage in activities such as compiling information, tracing maps of crownsguard patrol routes, and collecting donations, which are then covertly delivered to Nia Baiepon, where the main headquarters of the movement can be found

Given the diverse composition of the Lineage’s towns, it is not surprising that the Four Petals’ adherents come from various walks of life, including artisans, farmers, and modest merchants who prefer to remain anonymous and faceless to avoid detection and persecution by the Azurefire Champions. Sympathethic non-members brand the doorframes of their homes with a four-petal flowera symbol of their allegiance, but also a sign of safe-harbor for members on the run. 

As a relatively inexperienced and fragmented group, the Four Petals’ first goal is to garner support from the Shining Heads. They hope to gain the assistance of a capable military force to bolster their chances of successfully overthrowing the belligerent emperor.

The Skinners

The Skinners is a dangerous and marauding horde of nomadic orcs, goblinoids, humans, and monster-kin that rove the Gigan Valley in search of a trusting caravan, a weakened settlement, a lost herd, or anything that poses the opportunity to plunder and pillage. They have no fixed goals or objectives, instead relying on their current leader, Rho’Lo, to make decisions for the group.

Their primary motivations are driven by hunger, bloodlust, and the desire for survival. They are ruthless and merciless in their actions, consuming, destroying, and killing without hesitation. Their name derives from a gruesome taste for  impaling and skinning their prey, leaving behind a trail of terror and destruction. Their presence has created a constant atmosphere of paranoia amongst the inhabitants of the Gigan Valley, forcing them to uphold vigilance against incursion. 

Despite their seemingly disorganized nature, the Skinners understand that strength and atrocity distinguishes leaders from followers within their ranks. Adventurers who liaison with this group should be aware of a different kind of etiquette.


Since Emperor Ilberic took the throne, relations between the Nissë Lineage and the other organizations in Cyriedon have become pragmatic and transactional. The benefits and exclusive discounts that were once extended to the Bluehop family are no longer granted, and interactions with foreigners lack the warmth and bonds of the past.

Life in the Gigan Valley is tranquil yet regimented. The regular presence of several types of militias normally does not foster major strain in the populace; and the threat of tribal raids is a more than perfect pretext to justigy the intense martial presence imposed in every town. Commoners work hard to keep their faded nation and businesses afloat, and whilst they long for the tranquility of the Bluehops’ mandate, they also yearn for interaction with other nations; thus, most people display a friendly and hospitable disposition towards travelers who bring coin and who may be willing to share news and stories from afar; adventuring parties become reason for excitement everywhere in Gigan, and rumors of their presence move like wildfire.

Ilberic rarely travels beyond Qarantha’s Scar, thus, meetings occurring on Mittalmar or Thevenek normally miss the Lineage’s emperor. While he seeks to keep a strong and willing international appearance he favors the usage of diplomatic ministers for those journeys. Regardless, Dogantine leadership plays its cards to misguide others regarding the Lineage’s current internal situation and to influence foreign government affairs in support of the emperor’s expansion and territorial ambitions. Diplomatic ties are of the outmost value to Ilberic and his cronies.

The Nissë navigate a delicate balance between protecting its interests and projecting an image of strength and stability to the outside world. Ilberic’s ambitions drive much of the Lineage’s foreign interactions and discourse, as he is keen on preserving Dogantine historical status and expanding his empire’s influence in the ever-changing landscape of Cyriedon.

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