The Steelhand Sanctum

Beneath the jagged, craggy lands of the Dummäl Massif lies an expansive network of caverns and tunnels: the home of the Steelhand Sanctum, a demarchy forged over the bedrock of the Steelhand Pact’s edicts of equality among all. Its inception can be traced back to a historic alliance between three dwarves who came together to build a unified society of the deep— Dulan Runeback, proud, resolute and exceptionally  adept for survival, his resilient nature and astute strategical proved a true asset for the triad; Raddha Bloodhide, embodiment of strength and tenacity that rivals the very rocks she carved, her phenomenal physical prowess confirmed her value as guardian of their newly forged home; and Yaril Opalborn, the inventive master of runic technology and creator of the wondrous innovations that drove the triad into a future of advancement and prosperity. Together they devised the Steelhand Sanctum 

Despite being warmly welcomed into Irëdeule by Minya Nissë herself (and being honestly thankful for it), the “Sanctum Originals” had an indomitable dwarvenkind urge that ran furiously in their veins, demanding land and traditions of their own. These restless desires led them on a journey southward on a quest to find a new home, a migratory campaign that continued until they stumbled upon the Dummäl Massif, a mountain range vibrant with wildlife and volcanic activity. They were not alone in their travels, with them was a group of empathizers— humans, halflings, and even a few elves that shared the dreams of creating something unique; each night on the road helped them build their collective vision: together they built.

On their path to independence, neither Runeback, nor Bloodhide or Opalborn desired seclusion, and as the foundations of the mining town of Mowgar were laid, the Sanctum issued a call to their allies, seeking a courageous soul to journey back to Do’Gant. Their task: to establish the first dwarven trade route, to extend an invitation to those interested in the craft of jewel mining, and to extol the virtues of a life devoted to creation.

During the Cornucopia, Mowgar flourished as the Dummäl Massif surrendered its buried treasures: gold, iron, mithral and an assortment of precious stones laid wating to be unearthed, and so the miners toiled tirelessly, carving thousands of tunnels into the heart of Irëdeule, It was within these depths that Astha Opalborn made an historic discovery— a seemingly endless natural shaft that beckoned exploration which, upon venturous exploration, led the Steelhand Triad into the breathtaking marvel of a cavern that frames Asthogthol. This place, housed twin rivers of burning magma, and a pearly white, freezing cold, substance: Cénidh; this place would, from then onward, play home to the first Irëdulian underground city.

Death’s Birth came, and the land of the Massif was both cruel and merciful towards the members of the Sanctum. Those who had previously sought refuge within the solid confines of Asthogthol were shielded from the cataclysm’s fury by the solid walls of the cavern; Asthogthol in short, was spared from devastation. Yet, those who remained in Mowgar faced a far grimmer fate— the ground beneath them yawned open, plunging them into darkness for untold distances until their sudden, solid end; others met death as a searing embrace, for volcanic cracks parted the earth and left behind naught but petrified impressions of dwarven loss. Those fe who managed to survive the destruction were left injured amongst the rocky ruins of their runic architecture.

Time has flowed onward since then, and even after the passing of. the Sanctum Originals, the clans kept the primary traditions set upon them by Dulan, Raddha, and Yaril. Equality, honor and brotherhood remain as the guiding principles of this society. Yes, time has passed, but the industrious members of the Steelhand family have not once stopped their forges or placated their hearths, they keep on building a sanctuary for the entire dwarven race, a place that will stand for millenia as beautiful and mighty as it is today.



The Steelhand Sanctum holds three principles of its manifesto very close to the heart, each one of them, in turn, etched into the soul of the dwarven inhabitants of the Dummäl Massif: fun family and forge. These tenets shape their unique way of life: forge yourself a path to fulfillment that is both joyful and resolute. Everyone within the Triad’s government must enjoy every day by filling it with enjoyable activities, regardless of public judgement; they must also honor their families and ancestors by following a code of conduct that prioritizes community and legacy; and they must bask their forges, for no dwarf will fully understand life until they hammer steel or harvest stone.

Yet, Sanctum mindset extends well beyond these foundational standards. While the protection of Asthogthic community is paramount, their commitment to good relations with other races, as envisioned by the originals in the epoch of Siora Cradan, has molded the Steelhands into an inclusive and amiable society. To reconcile both truths, any guest arriving in a city within Asthogthol territory must willingly subject themselves to a stringent filter intended to ascertain intentions and nurture concord within the cavernous tunnels.

Mining and technology development are fundamental parts of the Steelhand’s ethos. The discovery and exploitation of Cénidh quickened the advent of a new era of engineering in Irëdeule. By harvesting the underground substance, dwarves are now capable of harnessing raw energy to power complex contraptions. Today, Asthogthol stands not only as an underground city adorned with the splendor of star-like gems embedded in its vaulted rocky ceilings, but also as a crucible of innovation teeming with runic machinery previously unseen in the multiverse.

Ultimately, this nation is filled with creators eager to share and trade tools, techniques, and materials to enhance their crafting capabilities. Rarely does a trade with the Steelhand Sanctum take place without this kind of prerogative.


The Triad

True to its principles of equality and unity, the Sanctum has been governed by the Triad since its very inception. This enduring pact alliance between the Runebacks, Bloodhides, and Opalborns has kept the foundational ideals of the Sanctum and the strength of this triumvirate as rulers that stand as equals among equals: every decree, license, and permit given out within the darkened chambers of Asthogthol must receive unanimous approval from the Triad.

Having the honor of ascending unto one of the Three Thrones means inheriting a debt payable only through the currency of eternal service— implemened by means of the rite of entombment; a tradition in which the aging body of a Triad member is enclosed in Irëdeulite to tether its soul, and its acquired wisdom, to the material plane, thus becoming an Antecedent, an echo on which new Triad members can call upon for guidance and counsel. 

As the governing group to the Steelhands, the members of the Triad are treated with the reverence accorded to royalty. Visitors are expected to pay their respects accordingly: addressing them collectively rather than as individuals (which is a mark of disrespect not taken lightly); speak only when they are spoken to (Triads deliberate among themselves); and never attempting to rush their parley (deliberations between them are nor too slow, nor too fast).

The Triad call their peers siblings, “Brother” or “Sister”… regardless of their fortuitous relations.

Kessersüm Watch

Stationed within the austere confines of Kessersüm Hall, the Watch is a compact group comprising of one Hall Summoner, four Vessels, and a Gravesmith. Shrouded in an air of eerie silence, reclusion, and unnatural sobriety, these few see themselves as guardians of foresight and the sentinels of death defeated. They share an exceptional duty that transcends the mundanity of mortality; they bring the insight of eternal contemplation unto the practical domain of humanity; and they hold the souls of the lost generations to draw upon their collective wisdom to shape a brighter future for all.

Although the halls of Kessersüm were originally reserved for Triad members, the Sanctum increasingly engaged with other races and nations of Cyriedon, creating a shift in policy. For more than two centuries now, acclaimed Cyriedonians have been extended invitations to join the Hall, where they can be called upon to share their knowledge and judgement as Antecedents. This slow move towards inclusivity has expanded the ranks of the Watch; placed greater demands on their mages as they strive to cater to an increasingly divers array of knowledge seekers; and has made the members of the Watch more self-aware by the day.


The Steelhand Sanctum keeps an unchanging stance of neutrality regarding events in Cyriedon, still., their outward attitude towards others is starkly contrasting with stereotypical dwarven demeanor— the miners of Asthogthol approach their relations with a sense of pragmatism, a business-like tone, and an unequalled open-heartedness. They have no open alliances or feuds, and remain focused on the enrichment of their cities and the preservation of their culture. Framed by their business-like ways, the Steelhands enjoy bonds with several other countries, in the form of technological innovation sharing. Some of these relations are older than others, but support and education is always provided to those seeking to learn runecraft.

As the Sanctum shares the southern half of the Iron Maw with the Jade Reliquary, it is only natural that both organizations share an entrenched and close partnership. Albeit once being established as a small trading post, the bustling town of Ilat has facilitated this relationship for a long time; currently, it serves as a commercial hub where all kinds of raw materials, and goods are bartered for dwarven-made instruments of defense and tech marvels. As a result, the harbor receives people from all around Cyriedon, always under the watchful eye of the Kraken’s Bane.

Despite the considerable distance that separates Myrtip Heath from Asthogthol, Hexas and Steelhands have established a fruitful trade relationship. Hexas frequently commission tailor-made runic machinery designed by high tiered Syndicate engineers. In return for their services, Steelhands gain access to valuable alchemical formulas and processes that enhance the Sanctum’s mining operations and Cénidh extraction. This symbiotic knowledge exchange has bolstered the prosperity of the Steelhand Sanctum, and has enabled them to nurture their diplomatic network as providers energy sources.

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