The Jade Reliquary

Above the scintillating turquoise waters of the Iron Maw, a vast inner sea nestled in the southeastern regions of Drott’na, lies the unquestioned enclave of the Jade Reliquary—a confederation of sea clans governing the Endless Glimmer, Elm Cross, and the Iron Maw with a loose sense of law

Without a doubt, the Reliquary stands as Cyriedon’s most formidable maritime force, comprised mainly of happy and carefree descendants to Death Birth’s survivors. Among its ranks are pirates, adventurers, explorers, monks, or a combination thereof, a newcomer would be hard-pressed to find someone inside the Maw with no adventuring experience, may it be in the jungle, over the mountains or at the sea, all of them have a story to tell over ale.

The Reliquary openly dedicates itself to the smuggling of relic, beast, or person; they have open business relations with anyone who has the gold to pay for their services. 

While traversing the tempestuous oceans of Cyriedon, it is not uncommon to encounter a small fleet of Relics on patrol. Though these patrols may resemble vultures encircling a dying creature, other organizations’ ships receive them with genuine gratitude, recognizing that none comprehend the perils of the sea better than they do.

Their so-called “capital” is Mitradon, known among its regulars as  Hunger Harbor—a popular escape destination all around Cyriedon. This fame can be attributed to Yorick Willowshaft’s Cinder Plume Tavern, an excessive inn and casino venue that currently serves as the world’s largest entertainment center. Within its scene any mix between veniality and pleasure is dully available for patrons in exchange for a modes sum of gold. And gold is always within reach near Mitradon, as adventurers, looters, raiders, and all manner of daring souls and shady characters who venture into the underwater ruins of El Abntaine emerge with substantial riches (if the do at all), eager to exchange them for delights that range from the mundane to the downright eccentric. Thus, Mitradon remains as the primary economic pillar supporting the Reliquary.

Nonetheless, not all members of the Reliquary may be deemed libertines. Alongside pirates, players, and swindlers, the alliance comprises the devoted monks of Fertiëth, worshippers of diverse gods, and servants only to the Aspect of Bahamut in Cyriedon. Also among the Relics, you can find the enigmatic Loshu—a mysterious clan formed of gnomes and halflings who survived a the great tsunami and established their own small and secluded township, adamantly preserving their ancient traditions.

While the Reliquary boasts substantial size, its governance is vested in eight representatives, one from each town within the region: Saltcong, Saar’s Wharf, Mitradon, Loshu Pier, Fertiëth, Jadeiron Gate, Port Kesser, and Elmcrag (Port Leanners currently stands without a designated representative, with a very active political climate). Each of them wholeheartedly committed with the Reliquary’s principles, while also serving, first and foremost, as the voice of their homeport. Within the Jade Reliquary, quarrels and grudges are eased through ale, falchion, and fist. 


The members of the Jade Reliquary share an unwavering, deep-rooted belief: that they alone are the only treasure hunters ardently committed to recover the countless magical artifacts sunken with The Abtaine—they alone keep up their persistent search, not for their own gain, but for the joy of giving the long-lost treasure to those who need it most (or to those willing to pay handsomely for “unreclaimed bits and pieces”); their goals are consistent with this belief. 

The exploration of Cyriedon spanning both above and beneath the depths of its waters, breaking away from the confines staged by the Tan’Lei Rift and Welkin’s Steel, and”rescuing”  a myriad of items buried in aquatic tombs are deemed priorities as long as the modus vivendi of the Iron Maw’s ctizens is not at risk; situation that always poses a dealbreaker.

Furthermore, it is in their best interest to ascertain unrestricted navigation of Cyriedon’s waters, for the Reliquary’s sense of freedom is profoundly intertwined with the boundless expanse of the ocean. Relics harbor no tolerance for any navigation restrictions; in their mind, the fruit of the seas is for everyone to share, and naught but Saar should have the power to limit seafaring expeditions.


The Court

The tiny group of Reliquary delegate, aptly referred to as The Court, assumes the vital charge of monitoring and regulating all activities transpiring within the waters encompassed by The Maw.

At the core of their agenda lies the objective of ensuring a well-organized and enduring exploration and salvage campaign focused on the remnants of El Abntaine. Concurrently they aim to establish a secure and harmonious home for their fellow relics. Thus, the Courtiers employ thousands of vigilant eyes and attentive ears at their service. Loyalty is fostered through freedom of choice and the provision of a basic standard of living for everyone on the Maw’s coasts.

It is almost impossible to keep The Court in the dark, as no Relic would be foolhardy enough to betray their way of life.

The Court is to blame for the fact that other Cyriedonian nations have differing opinions about the Jade Reliquary as a whole. It is widely acknowledged that each representative may harbor different interests when engaging in dealings with third parties, and this condition makes negotiations with the Reliquary a complex affair; being free to do so, every Courtier chases their own interests. Nonetheless, when it comes to making decisions that may affect the rest od The Maw, the welfare of the bay an its residents takes precedence as an unspoken priority, regardless of the consequences an action might entail for outsiders, be they allies or foes.

Kraken's Bane

The Jade Reliquary’s daunting naval fleet is renowned far and wide as Kraken’s Bane. Despite being outfitted, manned, and capable of enduring extended periods at sea, each one of the twenty enormous vessels is only required to make two patrol voyages each year, spending the remainder of its time docked at Jadeiron Gate, serving as a homeland armada.

Nevertheless, with the right motivation and enough patronage, one or two of these majestic vessels could be engaged in an unofficial undertaking, which helps boast the Maw’s income and cover for sailor bonuses and guerdons.

Sailors serving aboard these ships are carefully chosen and undergo extensive training for their post, they are considered specialists within their roles, and can captain any smaller ship without issue. While at sea, their families normally enjoy protection and care provided by senior members of The Court. All of them take pride in being a Relic and demonstrate unwavering loyalty to The Reliquary’s core principle—The Maw comes first, at all costs.


The brotherhood recognized for engaging in “delicate” matters beyond the Court’s purview is widely known as the Cinderbrand—an organization operating under the sole command of Yorick Willowshaft. These individuals trascend the abilities of commoners and have great skills in combat; however, their leader vehemently advocates for making use of violence only as a last resort, encouraging manipulation as a better means to an end. 

Finding a Cinderbrand acting in plain sight is almost impossible as they are obliged to lead the austere and solitary life of a sleeper, intervening only when summoned by Willowshaft’s orders; “The Concierge” provides for all their needs and desires.

Yorick conceived this secretive group and carefully distributed it throughout Cyriedon, aiming to have eyes and ears present in every corner, thus assisting the Reliquary in protecting itself from the actions of the deranged, the power-hungry, and the fanatical.

The only way to set apart a Cinderbrand, is by catching a glimpse of a mark under their jawline, imprinted there with a red-hot iron upon acceptance into the brotherhood.

The Order of the Platinum Bolt

Perched atop the Skygrave Range, upon the loftiest peak of Fertiëth, there lies the Shining Outlook—Bahamut’s main temple of worship in Cyriedon, and the abode of the revered Order of the Platinum Bolt.

Referred to as the “Monks of Fertiëth”, or simply “The Bolts”, these individuals undergo arduous training of the mind and the body to become the land’s guardians and ombudsmen. Their instruction revolves around the narrative of the sacred Fertiëth Scriptures, a precious manuscript that delves into themes of honor, law, and the pursuit of a virtuous existence, which is kept under stringent protection due to its revelation of what The Bolts refer to as the true countenance of the gods.

Fertiëth monks can be classified into three distinct hierarchical groups: Instincts, who are newly embarked on their training journey and are requierd to remain secluded within the temple until they prove their unwavering dedication to the order’s principles. Poises, who have finished their initial training and are trusted with missions that often require traversing distant lands. And Spirits, who have attained the highest echelon within the order, commune with Bahamut, and train under its Aspect.

Loshu Tribe

The enigmatic Loshu, a predominantly gnomish civilization, tenaciously preserves their unique customs, while keeping their gates shut to outsider influence. Shrouded in mysticism and mystery, the tribe’s heritage orbits their patron entity: a non-divine entity they reverently call “The Sikhodir”. This enigmatic being communicated with them through a nacreous monolith, now submerged in the depths of Inna Yavil, a city lost to Death’s Birth, in the El Abntaine desert. The Sikhodir bestowed upon them the rare gift of tapping into  the magical energies of both objects and individuals, a skill entrusted solely to the chieftain, dutifully passed down from one leader to the next, throughout the centuries.

The Tribe embraces its taciturn nature and cherishes its peace and quiet, while being keenly aware of the power they wield. To protect their sacred domain, they have fortified multiples lines of defense to deter uninvited outsiders from ever approaching their village; they open their gates only for a few members of the Jade Reliquary who have the rare honor of being named “ku’hendas”, or brothers from another tribe. 


The denizens of the interior and neighboring regions of the Iron Maw are known for their active and adventurous lifestyles. With the exception of the tranquil Fertiëth monks and the secluded Loshu, nearly every Relic is initiated as a sailor and explorer from an early age. Consequently encounters with young men who where born and reared on the deck of ship is not uncommon within Reliquary ranks.

In the nautical setting of The Maw, and with the sea as a pervasive bond, friendly camaraderie pervades among the clans that constitute the Reliquary. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly harmonious relationships, episodes of drama, machinations, and chicanery  give color to personal deals: trade of stolen or recovered goods, gambling-related predicaments and debts, and even crimes of passion are ordinary relic-related theatrics. Nevertheless, a Relic is more often than not, a happy individual, attuned to the rhythm of the sea.

Among the diverse nations of Cyriedon, varied degrees of ties and contracts are in place with the Reliquary (albeit most people would deny to be involved with pirates). Yet, even the most gullible and credulous individuals harbor suspicions regarding their relationship with a Relic due to their libertine, self-indulgent, and all around helter-skelter behavior they demonstrate. Yet, all acknowledge them as powerful allies, especially for those seeking to explore the depths of the Endless Glimmer—where an assortment of magical items and precious treasures lie awaiting discovery.

The Jade Reliquary maintains an open and forthright confrontation with Pontille & Co. primarily because the Relics “inadvertently yet strangely frequently” disrupt P&C’s supply chains and logistics networks.

The sailors of The Maw tend to break character and adhere to proper behavior when navigating the waters of The Vixak Protectorate, where they are welcome, but where caution is required, especially in the perilous Tan’Lei Rift.

Lastly, the Jade Reliquary enjoys a unique privilege in Cyriedon, being the only organization authorized to dock in the esteemed port of Ordovan, located within the territory of the revered Nissë Lineage. Unlike other visitors, who must make their way through Ordovan’s Trench, the Reliquary’s authorization was bestowed upon them by Zanlin Bluehop II as an expression of gratitude for the protection Relics provide to the near-extinct Loshu culture. This authorization has endured even during the reign of the current emperor.

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