Lore & history

Myth of Truth

Campaign In Irëdeule, religion had always been a matter of personal choice and the heterogenous composition of its people fostered an unstructured and diverse abundance

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The Arrival Wars

The Arrival Wars

In the span of time following Death’s Birth, the twin continents of Drott’na and Thevenek became the unexpected homes of countless humanoids. Humans, elves, dwarves,

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The Sons of Nissë

The Parting

In Onnaeffirië’s wake, a pall of confusion, suspicion and terror shrouded Cyriedon’s once blue skies. Ignorance about the circumstances that led to the cataclysmic event

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Death’s Birth

First Contact On the 7th day of Liora, in the 234th year of record After Lumystië, Algar Frytae, now Grand Diviner of The Children of

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Gaze into light

In time, the manifestation of iridescent eggs accross Irëdeule waned perceptibly while incidence horrid, murderous beasts increased alarmingly. These conditions induced growing apprehension amongst the

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The Cornucopia

Over the ensuing two centuries and across several human generations, Irëdeule reveled in an era of unprecendented abundance.  The clement climate, the fertility of the

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Minya Nissë's Egg

First Born

The Cradle In an era devoid of divine concoctions, Irëdeule found itself alone once again; time helped nature efflux forward and reclaim the land pilfered

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Aedha Lavan's Seal

The Purge

With the creation of new titans and behemoths ruled out, and a delightful planet to share, the Gods contemplated the idea of populating Irëdeule with

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The Trials

Irëdeule boasted beauty that exceeded the bounds of imagination, as every gaze was gifted with a spectacle —landscapes, vibrant colors, and the seamless interplay of

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Initium Temporis

When young, Irëdeule unfolded  with tempestuous fervor— storm-laden nights, violent earthquakes, and erratic infernos painted the canvas of its first 4,900 years existence. Dear reader,

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The Alloy

The Alloy

The cynosure between yon and yonder vibrated in dissonance for the tiniest fraction of a second. It was a luminous disruption, dimmed only by the

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The Planar Link

Planar Link

In my humble opinion, the creation, proliferation, and evolution of humanoids have posed several minor and mundane inconveniences for the gods. The most significant (and

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Over the course of my eternal existence, I’ve had the privilege to bear witness to countless astral events. So many in fact, that my recollections

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Cosmic Dawn

Most of my tomes do not bear direct connection to the origin of the multiverse— after all, most of what we see today was assembled

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The Studio

The Studio

Welcome to my humble abode, wanderer! My name is Caecille Axa’ryn, and I am the Cosmic Curator, a title which stands as both my proud

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