


Lawful Good


Order, War


Justice, Honor


The Envoy's Sigil


Anva, male Dragonborn



Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon, stands as the most renowned deity across the multiverse. His direct relationship to the Emilfëa and his unsurpassed presence are credited with the conservation of balance and order everywhere he holds a Divine Brand. In Irëdeule, his influence as one of the original sponsors of the Myth of Truth has played an instrumental role in the spiritual awakening of beings previously unaware of divinity. He extols actions geared towards the greater good and responds to prayers with the utmost impartiality.

Shrines to the Platinum Dragon can be found almost everywhere on Thevenek and Drott’na, for nearly ever city and town has assembled one. Yet, among these sacred sites, none holds as much significance as Fertiëth, the monastery of the Order of the Platinum Bolt, which crowns the Skygrave Ridge. There, disciplined monks guard the dragon lord’s Aspect, Anva, while he sits in his eternal meditation; they also take upon a rigorous training under the precepts of honor and justice. Some accept the honor of the Indigo Pallium an honor reserved for the exceptional, which ascends them into priests tasked with the protection of Bahamut’s temples and holy grounds, wherever they may be.

In bustling cities, the temples dedicated to the Platinum Dragon are often lofty buidlings embellished with intricate inlays of gold and platinum, decorated with heavy banners of deep indigo, and adorned with a commanding central statue depicting a slumbering dragon. Smaller hamlets host humble shrines that hold stone statuettes of the same sleeping creature adorned with a small indigo banner with uneven silver adornments.

Although commonly considered aligned with benevolence, Bahamut centers on balance and order; concepts which are perceived with significant variance among humanoids, thus materializing a multifaceted nature of the Platinum Dragon’s intent.

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