


Lawful Neutral




Memory, Adventure


The Curator's Calamus


Arel, female elf



Caecille, fondly known by his followers as The Historian, occupies a special place in the Irëdulian pantheon as a lesser deity at the service of greater gods, and owing his divine status to the reverence and interaction he has had with, particularly, Cyriedonians. Above all else, Caecille praises the ideals of objectivity, impartiality, and factual knowledge, but as a flawed divine creature, he shows preference towards grandiose events that echo in the heart of history throughout the millenia.

Among his worshippers, Caecille’s following primarily comprises adventurous humanoids who aspire to carve their names into the annals of his eternal records, seeking to become legends in their own right, striving to inspire the generations to come. He also bestows his divine favor upon scholars, the inquisitive, and the curious, firmly believing in the world-changing and transformative power of restless minds. His portrayal takes the form of a floating, bald, elderly figure, with a waist-length beard, draped in billowing lavender robes, and lacking a lower body.

Devotees of Caecille gather at his shrines, often situated within or near libraries and halls of study, where small chambers designed for a  “conversation” between the god and his followers. In these places, small, blank books and magical quills are available —they are to be used to record the lives of the adventurers who entrust themselves to Caecille; these books are said to bear an enchantment that transfers the heroic deeds penned within their pages directly to The Historian.

Caecille’s Apsect, Arel, remains permanently within the Quietus Fane’s walls, feeling a sense of belonging as she tends to the upkeep of the divine abode; while engaging in deep and meaningful conversation with those who venture near The Historian’s shrine.

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