


Neutral Good






Empyrean Grace Key


Nod, male human


The Airy Vault

The vast expanse of the sky has forever held a profound significance in the hearts of humans; it has ignited their dreams with wonder of what lies beyond the azure enclosure of the celestial mantle. This fascination and yearning has frequently riddled the gods to a point that discussion has erupted amongst them, yet no consensus has ever emerged from their contemplations on the matter.

Reigning over the awe-inspiring boundaries of the skies, and patron of amazement and flight, enters Zillain, a generous and practical god with a taste for shared grandeur and boundless adventure.

The Vaultkeeper, as he is otherwise know, owns a magical touch unique amongst gods; he is able to interweave The Twine with his own creation, the Sūrulanya— an arcane thread that enables flight for beings and contraptions that do not have the ability within their nature. It is thanks to this exceptional magical fiber that airships are able to surge the skies alongside dragons and birds. Zillain considers himself a supporter of humanity and as magnanimous as he is divine, thus, he bequeathed the cosmos and several planets within it (Irëdeule included), with the fabrics of the Sūrulanya.

As anyone can ascertain, Zillain is not a passive governor of the skies, for he enjoys actively enhancing his domain’s mystique; therefore the Vaultkeeper requested this temples to bear unique and otherworldly qualities, true to his core— they ought to take the form of delicate crystals suspended in the air by small ethereal birds whilst being tethered to the ground by a slender platinum chain. Ceremonies and prayers raised to The Vaultkeeper should be officiated around a small dais installed at the tether’s anchor.

Regarded as enlightened individuals, priests and clerics devoted to Zillain are highly sought for their singular insights in affairs as varied as public management, technology, and social sciences, their views and perspectives, always eccentric and eye-opening, are respected throughout. Consequently, it is not uncommon to find these “Landgazers” sharing a table with kings and country leaders while holding a well-mannered, but intensely deep debate.

Zillain’s nature is captured in iconography as a towering white bird built out of hovering prismatic stones. These artistic renditions pretend to express the radiant allure of the skies, the awe of flight, and the boundless possibilities that lie hidden behind the blue

His Aspect takes the form of Nod, a vibrant and enthusiastic human artificer serving as a captain within the Hexahall Aviation Fleet, where his leadership resonates with those looking towards the skies for inspiration, whether they may be adventurers, scholars, or dreamers. Nod’s youthful appearance belies a wisdom beyond his year acquired through his close communion with his master. Secretly, the Aspect joined the H.A.F. pretending to echo Zillain’s mastery of the skies.

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