Myth of Truth

Campaign In Irëdeule, religion had always been a matter of personal choice and the heterogenous composition of its people fostered an unstructured and diverse abundance of beliefs and rituals; idols and godlets were named everyday; and cults rushed from assembly into dissolution with fluid swiftness —conditions that never posed issue until the end of the […]

First Born

Minya Nissë's Egg

The Cradle In an era devoid of divine concoctions, Irëdeule found itself alone once again; time helped nature efflux forward and reclaim the land pilfered away by the few magical cities the Vairë had erected… traces of erstwhile civilization slipped into dormant (and peaceful) concealment. Then, on the 18th night of Irëdeule’s 11,334th cycle around […]

The Purge

Aedha Lavan's Seal

With the creation of new titans and behemoths ruled out, and a delightful planet to share, the Gods contemplated the idea of populating Irëdeule with humanity in its many forms. However, the presence of Trial Beasts running unbridled through plain, ridge, and shrub posed a sharp threat; thus, creators concurred that the wildest and most […]


Over the course of my eternal existence, I’ve had the privilege to bear witness to countless astral events. So many in fact, that my recollections of some of them has (inevitably) faded throughout the aeons. Despite my memory’s whimsy, I can presume that by means of my books, I hold billions of recollections… mucho more […]

Cosmic Dawn

Most of my tomes do not bear direct connection to the origin of the multiverse— after all, most of what we see today was assembled long before my time—. Yet I have always considered it useful to explore and dissect the various interpretations of how everything came to be. And while some of this knowledge […]

The Studio

The Studio

Welcome to my humble abode, wanderer! My name is Caecille Axa’ryn, and I am the Cosmic Curator, a title which stands as both my proud assignment and my eternal burden. Upon the endless halls of my Athenaeum of Lore you’ll find the ever-expanding annals of the multiverse which chronicle tales that span the infinity of […]