The Parting

The Sons of Nissë

In Onnaeffirië’s wake, a pall of confusion, suspicion and terror shrouded Cyriedon’s once blue skies. Ignorance about the circumstances that led to the cataclysmic event brought mistrust and qualm among friends forward. Age-old bonds and recent alliances were almost fractured forever. In every town, once-boisterous taverns and social haunts previously filled with merriment and mirth […]

Death’s Birth

First Contact On the 7th day of Liora, in the 234th year of record After Lumystië, Algar Frytae, now Grand Diviner of The Children of Nissë, bore witness to an alarming anomaly— the arrival of three gargantuan eggs with the unnerving capability of concealing their contents from the all-seeing stare of the Light Gazer, the […]

Gaze into light

In time, the manifestation of iridescent eggs accross Irëdeule waned perceptibly while incidence horrid, murderous beasts increased alarmingly. These conditions induced growing apprehension amongst the Children of Nissë who still gazed upon the portals with awe, yet by then, marvel was accompanied by new-found dread. The contents of new portals had to be controlled. In […]

The Cornucopia

Over the ensuing two centuries and across several human generations, Irëdeule reveled in an era of unprecendented abundance.  The clement climate, the fertility of the land, and the reverence for nature instilled by Nissë’s teachings brought forward conditions conducive to humanity’s unlimited flourishing and prosperity. The appearance of arrival-heralding eggs was frequently considered occasions for […]

First Born

Minya Nissë's Egg

The Cradle In an era devoid of divine concoctions, Irëdeule found itself alone once again; time helped nature efflux forward and reclaim the land pilfered away by the few magical cities the Vairë had erected… traces of erstwhile civilization slipped into dormant (and peaceful) concealment. Then, on the 18th night of Irëdeule’s 11,334th cycle around […]