The Arrival Wars

The Arrival Wars

In the span of time following Death’s Birth, the twin continents of Drott’na and Thevenek became the unexpected homes of countless humanoids. Humans, elves, dwarves, and all sort of folk found themselves helpless and amnesiac in a foreign plane or unknown planet. Some of them were fortunate enough to arrive in Drott’na, where the modest […]

The Purge

Aedha Lavan's Seal

With the creation of new titans and behemoths ruled out, and a delightful planet to share, the Gods contemplated the idea of populating Irëdeule with humanity in its many forms. However, the presence of Trial Beasts running unbridled through plain, ridge, and shrub posed a sharp threat; thus, creators concurred that the wildest and most […]

Initium Temporis

When young, Irëdeule unfolded  with tempestuous fervor— storm-laden nights, violent earthquakes, and erratic infernos painted the canvas of its first 4,900 years existence. Dear reader, don’t be misled, the era in which the influence of the Elemental Chaos prevailed on Irëdeule was, by all accounts, a spectacle of unparalelled beauty. Yet, the most captivating stories […]

The Alloy

The Alloy

The cynosure between yon and yonder vibrated in dissonance for the tiniest fraction of a second. It was a luminous disruption, dimmed only by the intense light flooding out of the portal. Naught but a subtle ripple of the softest and smoothest nature gave away the rupture of the Twine. A minuscule speck, barely perceptible, […]

Cosmic Dawn

Most of my tomes do not bear direct connection to the origin of the multiverse— after all, most of what we see today was assembled long before my time—. Yet I have always considered it useful to explore and dissect the various interpretations of how everything came to be. And while some of this knowledge […]