The Pantheon

Divine Brands

Whenever a divine entity holds an interest in a particular existence, a Divine Brand is commisioned to Nahll’La, the Artist; a titan endowed with the ability to engrave beings, places, objects, and events with divine markers, visible solely to those she selects. These universal marks are called Divine Brands.

Divine Brands fulfill several divine requirements: they are a signpost that helps gods and demigods keeping track of their multiple affairs throughout the multiverse; they are also a tool that facilitates their continuous divine influence over the object of their interest; and they also serve as anchors for the Planar Links meticulously woven by Yll’ardun.

As manifestations of divine craftsmanship, these brands confer supernatural attributes upon the mundane. In Irëdeule, these divine engravings adorn blessings, aspects, vestiges, select individuals, and even the very foundation of the planet itself.


A Blessing stands as a sacred relic, a testament to the greatest divine favor that a mortal can attain from a god. Despite their immense power and celestial essence, Blessings often manifest in forms that mirror the ordinary, bearing functional attributes that belie their cosmic nature. 

While cradled by a god’s Aspect, these Blessings confer autonomous existence to the avatar, letting them live “normal” lives. In this state of symbiotic connection, Blessings and Aspects are “Linked”, while in this state, Aspects enjoy boundless vitality and health.

Yet, an Aspect can assign stewardship of a Blessing upon a mortal being, thus transferring it’s power to the new wielder. “Unlinked” Aspects are enchanted into stone and instantly teleported to the Quietus Fane, where they adorn the gardens as part of beautiful statues.


In Irëdeule, the harmonious blend of divine experimentation, the chancy nature of the land, and the unstoppable sway of time has created exploration chances aplenty. Vestiges are the most beguiling and wondrous sites birthed by such mix: mythical structures where wonderful secrets, unimaginable powers, and terrible creatures lie hidden.

Yet, these enormous places of power were isolated by the Vairë, who ascended to the loftiest towers and delved into the nethermost dungeons to conceal trap, corridor and entity. Since then Vestiges remain hidden.

Though seemingly dormant in their sequestered state, Vestiges teem with latent vitality, an arcane essence that slumbers within each stone. Any delicate touch or  resonant incantation can serve as catalyst, rekindle their mystical essence, and unveil the powers hidden within their bared walls.

Irëdulian Deities

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